Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ellen's 6 Months

Ellen is 6 months old!  I can't believe we are already half way through her first year.  This month has been a big month.  She has been busy learning lots of new things and filling our hearts with joy. 

This month Ellen started "crawling."  She isn't totally crawling but she gets up on her hands and knees and then pushes herself forward.  It happens to be adorable and also VERY efficient.  I don't think it will be long before she learns how to crawl properly. 

Another new development this month is she has her own will.  She knows exactly what she wants.  Once she sees a toy across the room she wants she is gone!  It is funny to watch her little personality develop. 

Yes she is in this blanket somewhere.  She gets herself into all kinds of trouble these days!

In the last two weeks Ellen has become OBESSED with Heber.  She crawls all over him and anytime he comes around she squeals with delight.  We have made the joke that in her world we just got a dog!  We love that she loves him as much as we do. 

This age has been such a blast!  Here are a few things I never want to forget about Ellen at this age.

Her cute pudgy little hands.  She bats them around like crazy and they melt my heart!

She makes a high pitch squeal/scream when she is happy or thinks something is funny.  It is her giggle. 

She always loves to have her feet together.  It is so cute!

Even at this age I can tell she is trying to figure out how things work (she gets that from Drew)!  I have a hard time getting pictures with her smiling because as soon as I pick up the camera she is trying to figure it all out. 

Here are few other things Ellen has been up to this month.

We celebrated Aunt Chelsey's 30th birthday.  Ellen got to come to the party. 


She got to meet my Uncle Tom.  She loved playing with him!  She even gave him a good taste test.

Drew had his first big work trip this month.  He was gone for five days.  Since he was in San Francisco and we opted not to join him we headed to Gothenburg and spent time with Grandma and Grandpa.  Ellen loved floating in her own personal pool each night and playing with all the new toys.  She even discovered a jumper that made it back to Omaha with us! 

Ellen also got to experience her first Husker football game.  At the same time we realized how little football we will actually watch this year.  :)  To tell the truth for the first time we could care less about football when we have this little Husker around!

We are ready for another month of Ellen!  

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