Monday, February 2, 2015

Ellen's 11 Months

We can't believe it is only one month before our sweet baby girl turns one!  How can it be??!! 

This month Ellen has been busy, busy, busy!  She is on the move.  She is not walking but she will stand for short periods and is all over the place crawling.  You can't take your eyes off her for one second. 

This month Ellen has started waving.  It is usually delayed but that makes it even cuter. 

Transitioning from pureed foods to finger foods has proven to be a challenge.  She has become very picky.  Her favorite foods are cheerios and toast.  We have tried EVERYTHING else and we will continue.  In time we know she will become less selective.  This is her happy cheerio face. 

Ellen has also become a lot more verbal this month.  She makes lots of sounds and is very passionate about what she is sharing.  Her main word/sound is "da-da." 

Here are a few other things Ellen was up to this month. 

Our Christmas celebrations continued into January.  We had our Christmas party with the Flohr and Meyer families.  We had a fun night of food and lots of play time.  The kiddos are just too cute!

We also celebrated Christmas with our annual white elephant party with our journey group.  Kevin and Vanessa hosted the wonderful night.  There were many laughs!  Especially when we received a fish bowl complete with a fish! 

For Christmas this year we received a zoo pass from Grandma and Grandpa Henning.  We have been lucky enough to have friends take us and we realized just how much Ellen loves the zoo.  This month we went several times each week.  We love going with friends and Ellen loves the animals.  Her favorite are the big cats.  Ellen is CRAZY about cats!  She also loves the aquarium and she seemed to like the butterflies as well.  We will be spending lots of time there. 

In  mid January we packed up and went out to Gothenburg to celebrate the Erb family moving back to Gothenburg.  It was the first time our whole family has been together in a long time.  It was so much fun to be together and watch Ellen and Eli play. 

These are a few other random pictures from the month. 

It has been such a great month.  We are excited to think about celebrating a year with our sweet girl. 

Coming up next month we are going to make a trip out to NC to visit our dear friends Kyle and Natalie.  I'm sure we will have lots to share about that adventure!

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