Friday, April 25, 2014

Ellen's First Easter

This past weekend was Easter weekend.  Easter is always a special time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for all of us.  He died so that we may live.  It is a time to stop our busy lives to celebrate and remember our risen Savior!

This year was extra special because it was Ellen's first Easter!  We were lucky enough to be able to spend time with both of our families.  Ellen got lots of love! 

On Saturday we headed over to Chelsey's house for the whole day.  Mom and Dad were in town for the weekend.  We enjoyed playing and napping with Ellen.  She was also spoiled with lots of Easter gifts.  Ellen was never put down the whole day.  If Mom and Chelsey are around you know where to find Ellen.  It's so cute!

The weather was beautiful so we enjoyed lots of time out on the deck in the sun.  In the evening Chelsey and Pat made a wonderful dinner.  It was such a treat to have a nice meal.  :) 

We spent a lot of Saturday trying to get Ellen to give us her first social smile.  She was happy but never smiled. 

My sweet little bunny!  This is the cuties onesie! 

On Sunday we all went to church together at Christ Community.  Ellen got to wear her new Easter dress from Chelsey.  It was a beautiful service.


After church we packed up and headed down to Lincoln to spend time with Drew's family.  We headed to Roca Road for appetizer and family time. 

We had an adult egg hunt.  The eggs had gift cards inside.  :)

One very special moment of our time at Roca Road was Ellen gave Grandma her first social smile!

In the afternoon we headed to the Knolls for a wonderful buffet with Grandma and Grandpa Papik.  There was tons of yummy food!  It was Ellen's first trip to a restaurant.

It was a wonderful Easter weekend.  I can only imagine how much fun next Easter will be!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Newborn Photographs

When Ellen was two weeks old we had her newborn photographs taken.  She was just too cute not to have pictures to keep forever.  :) 

Rachel Rippe came to our house to take the pictures.  Our families have been friends for many years.  I was so happy that she could take Ellen's photos.  She did such a amazing job!  If you are looking for a great photographer be sure to check her out here

It was so hard to pick just a few pictures for her announcement.  So here are some of the adorable photos we didn't use.  I will treasure these pictures forever.  She already is looking different just a few weeks later! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Ellen's 1 Month

We can hardly believe that Ellen is already one month old!  I have heard all of my friends say this for years....  Where does the time go?  I don't remember time going this fast before Ellen was born.  I know it didn't go this fast when I was nine months pregnant.  :)

Over the last month Ellen has to be the most photographed baby ever.  Okay, I know that's not true but our phones and cameras are overloaded with pictures of our sweet baby girl.  I thought I would share pictures of all we have been up to this month.  I dare not share them all on Facebook or I will look like a crazy lady.  ;)  I just can't get enough of her cuteness. 

Here is what Ellen has been up to this month.

The nurses at the hospital made this little hat for Ellen.  That little bow made me so happy!  :)

Right from birth we made sure Ellen knew she would be a husker fan.

At the hospital Ellen had her first bath.  She wasn't a fan to say the least.  Now at home she loves the water.  A good bath can always calm her down. 


Grandpa getting his last cuddles in before catching his flight back to California.  We can't wait for him to be back in Nebraska soon! 

In Ellen's first months she has gotten more kisses then I can count.  Seriously!  I can't stop kissing those sweet little cheeks. 

Grandma Evenson got to stay the first two weeks with us.  She took care of both Ellen and me.  :)  It was such a special time and I don't know what we would have done without her great help around the clock.  This picture is from the day we took Ellen home from the hospital. 

Heber has adjusted to Ellen very well.  This is a picture of him laying on a blanket Drew brought him from the hospital that smelled like Ellen.  He loves having another human around the house. 

We love laying around watching all the funny faces that Ellen will make.  This one is too funny!

Grandma Henning celebrated her birthday with us.  She stayed for a week and helped make our transition to  a family of three so much easier.   

Happy Birthday Grandma and happy St. Patrick's day.  She is our lucky charm indeed!

Ellen even got to spend time with both Grandma's at the same time.  This is a picture of the changing of the guards.  Grandma Evenson was leaving and Grandma Henning was coming to stay.

This is how Ellen spends most of her days.  I can't help but hold her most of the time.  She will learn to sleep in a crib another time.  :)

This is how Ellen spends most of her nights.  :)  As she is getting older she is getting better with sleeping at night.  However, she is ALWAYS this wide awake at 4am.  She thinks this is when I should really start my day.  :)

Already Ellen is spending time with her nose in a book.

I'm slightly jealous of her wardrobe.  Each day she has something new and adorable to wear.  I however seem to be in the same yoga pants and hoodie each day.  That's the great thing about having a baby..... no one notices you anymore!

We LOVE when Drew comes home from work.  If you can't tell from this picture he is one popular guy at our house.  Ellen is consistently fussy at night from 8-10pm.  Drew is so good at calming her down.  She is a Daddy's girl already. 

More kisses and love for this sweet little face.

Ellen got to meet Grandpa Great and Grandma Great.  It was so special! 

Ellen loves playing on the floor and tummy time.  Now that she is more alert we are having so much fun during her wake times.  She loves watching Heber.  She is looking at him in this picture.  

We have had one amazing month becoming a family of three.  God is good!